China Vs U.S.A. Trade War
The dominant of the Trade war result between the clash of China vs U.S. the last few decades.
The unstoppable China’s rise as the world’s dominant major trading power.
Many in the West are now just realizing the dominant role China has been playing in the world trades. Since the ancient Silk Roads and Trade Winds networks of international commerce, China had been the leader in trades by lands and by seas. China then and China now has been the sole economic power for centuries. The difference is that though the Chinese were that dominant in economic power, China has also been the dominant military power but has never colonized the lands nor the peoples of foreign lands. Today, the rise of China would be a peaceful rise when the world look on the awakening of the Chinese giant.
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Meeting of two Business Titans
Billionaires Jack Ma and Mark Zuckerberg met during a question and answer session at the China Development Forum in Beijing on Saturday.
The success these two individuals have impacted on China and US business and to an extent around the world have created a new relationship for the need for more cooperation for the future for innovation and the challenges of the movement of goods.

Angry workers protest in China
In 2015, China recorded 2726 strikes and protests by workers upset with their work place grievances.
The decades of unprecedented economic growth has showed some signs of slowing down the last year and a half.
With businesses laying off workers and manufacturing plants shifting to neighboring countries to take advantage of cheaper labor costs and favorable trades agreement, the displaced workers who are angry have been getting more vocal. The higher costs of living since the economic boom also did not help matters for the slower salary growth for the workers.
With more strikes anticipated this year, business owners are resorting to the government and uniformed authority to control the angry crowds of workers during their protest rallies.

Chinese Company buys American Company
Another Chinese Billionaire buys American Company.
This time it would make the Wanda Group to be the world's biggest revenues-generating Film Company says Wanda’s Chairman, Mr. Wang JianLin.
The hand shake is the final photo opts to a deal sign for China’s Dalian Wanda Group Company purchase of American Legendary Entertainment Company.
The purchase price is US$3.5 billion in cash. It is China’s biggest international cultural business acquisition to date.
The deal includes the continuing of Legendary Chairman & CEO Thomas Tull (pictured) to head the U.S. Company and be responsible to the day-to-day operations.
Wanda Group’s chairman still have eyes for further expansion in acquisition of overseas assets and Europe may be the near future deals in the making.

Diplomacy rules in the South China Seas
Diplomacy rules for the day in the South China Seas.
The working at the highest level of government, leaders of neighboring countries in the South China Sea are showing the practical sides for diplomacy and an environment for the trades for mutual benefits and peace.
The recent trade summit in the Philippines hosted by President Aquino shows the warming of relationship between the Chinese leader and the Philippine leader. The mutual benefits for trades far out benefits the conflict in the region.

It is all about Business for now
China's President Xi is guiding his country towards business and developments while many from the West have been busy with conflicts.
President Xi's optimistic engagement in trade policy with other countries is trade without interfering in internal country's politics. This is in contrast with the West by using trade policy as political tools such as imposing of economic sanctions. Such a policy tends to promote conflicts and sometimes leads to war.
The recent signing of a Trade Treaty with Australia has shown an encouraging growth in trade. The trade policy implements favorable trade practices for both nations to engage in more trade. Both nations benefits from such promotion of trade.
With a peaceful China, the country has continued its economic growth for decades since the 70s.
China's President Xi is guiding his country towards business and developments while many from the West have been busy with conflicts.
President Xi's optimistic engagement in trade policy with other countries is trade without interfering in internal country's politics. This is in contrast with the West by using trade policy as political tools such as imposing of economic sanctions. Such a policy tends to promote conflicts and sometimes leads to war.
The recent signing of a Trade Treaty with Australia has shown an encouraging growth in trade. The trade policy implements favorable trade practices for both nations to engage in more trade. Both nations benefits from such promotion of trade.
With a peaceful China, the country has continued its economic growth for decades since the 70s.

President Obama at the ASEAN Summit in Malaysia
U.S. President Barack Obama continues his travels this past week to the Far East from the Philippines to Malaysia.
In the Philippines, President Obama attended the APEC summit. In Malaysia, he meets with the leaders of the 10 ASEAN member countries. Both APEC and ASEAN are region economic blocs of countries dealing with the promotion of trade.
In Malaysia, President Obama, treads on a thin line to avoid any show of close personal relationship with the current Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, who has been deep in scandals on a personal US$607 million gift deposited into the Prime Minister’s personal bank account. The U.S. law against questionable monetary transaction could trigger a U.S. government investigation especially if the transfer of the gift is found to involve U.S. banks as seem to be in this case.
The Prime Minister’s scandal has been lingered on since 2013 and there has been crack down on dissenters by applying the sedition laws and was also used to detain media executives. While answering questions at a university town-hall meeting, Obama, stressed on the issues of government transparency and the importance of the freedom of the Press.
At the government level, the issues that were discussed between the two countries were about peace and stability in the region. Political tensions in the South China Seas were also discussed including the cooperation to counter extremism. The recent beheading of a Malaysian citizen by the Abu Sayyaf Islamic group in the southern Philippines was brought up as an example for the common fights to eradicate such groups.

AGOA expiring on Africa & US
After implementing the African Growth Opportunity Act, AGOA on May 18th 2000, the verdict is still out to declare that it is a sounding success in achieving its goals. The Act offers tangible incentives for African countries to continue their efforts to open their economies and build free markets. The AGOA was signed by then US President George Bush to waive tax duties to over 4,000 items of goods between US and the initial 34 countries. Although the number of participating countries were as high as up to 50 African countries, quite a number were since listed or delisted due to issues meeting the terms of compliance.
Subsequently the program has been reviewed and amended another three times in the course of the last 14 years. The program is due for expiration in 2016. So how have the African countries have taken advantage of this special trade incentives extended by the US are still yet to be since. Up to today, the US trade with African countries only measure less than 2 % of US’s total foreign trade. Even though the total trade volume was measured as close to US$100 billion, it is mostly centered to only among five countries with 67 % of trade. They are Nigeria, South Africa, Angola, Egypt and Algeria. But compared this volume to China’s trade with African countries, US is still far behind with its major competitor which has already been doing over US$200 billion in trade there. Recently, India is also seeking such trade opportunities with the African continent with Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying visits there to promote trade. Not only the time for such trade incentives is coming to a close after 15 years, US is now facing the geared up competition from China and now India as the new player.
However, the current US President, Barack Obama, has established a closer tie with many of the African countries during his seven years of his administration to be able to garner a success yet for AGOA.

Chinese real estate investors in the USA
The Chinese investors in real estate favor major American cities. On the west coast, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle are the favorites.
On the East coast, New York city is the main major city that sees the Chinese pouring their investment to. The initial investment was directed at luxury condominium market but that has expanded to include more diverse multifamily and complex properties.
Most of these Chinese investors see their investment in the 3 to 5-year range for profits.
The US cities real estate investments has increased from US$3.5 billion in 2014 to over US$10 billion so far in 2015.
On the international markets, London still ranks the top in term of the most favorite city for the Chinese investors.
The London's favorite destination was done by a strong marketing program supported by the mayor of London to entice the Chinese investors to promote his city with elaborate welcoming ceremony to these Chinese investors to invest there.

Twelve Trade Ministers stand ready to implement TPP agreement deal initiated by U.S. President Obama.
The final rounds of U.S. President Obama’s initiatives of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement are ready for the signing ceremony after over 5 years of negotiations.
However, the whole trade agreement is yet to be ratified by all respective countries governments even if it is signed by their leaders.
President Obama is hopeful that he could get Congress to ratified for the U.S. part. Although heavy lobbying efforts were made by the President, he still needs the majority votes from the Congress. Therefore he needed substantial votes from the Republican Party members to carry through to ratify the deal. Obama's own political party is in the minority in Congress.
For his part, President Obama is especially added by the U.S. big corporations that have vested interests in the deal.
However, to get the majority votes needed to obtain ratification for final approval for the agreement, the votes are divided among the current members in the Congress.
The positive aspect for the deal to go through the Congress is because the Republican Party is a party for big businesses and trade.

The TPP member countries leaders with President Obama
Leaders of the signatory to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Treaty stand for a photo-opt upon the conclusion of the treaty documents. However, the implementation of this trade deal await the ratification of the respective members legislative governments. This TPP trade agreement has been the initiatives of President Obama for the last 5 years. The implication of this trade would be over 40 % of the world trade volume. The countries which signed into this agreeement besides the United States include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam.

Policy experts drafting trade documents
Throughout the past Spring and Summer Trade Experts from various Asian countries worked on the detail of the trade documents.
The TPP Trade Agreement if ratified by all the 12 participating countries would be a sizeable trades volume of over 40 percent of world trades.

ASEAN Symposium at American University, Washington DC
On 22 October 2015, Mr. Hairil Yahri Yaacob, 1st from left, Minister Counselor (Economics), Embassy of Malaysia, Washington, D.C. represented the Embassy of Malaysia at the “5th U.S., ASEAN, and East Asia Summit Strategic Dialogue Symposium”, with the theme ‘Malaysia as 2015 ASEAN Chair: Our People, Our Community, Our Vision’ which was held at the American University, Washington, D.C.
Co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and Asia Foundation, the off-the-record Symposium aimed in identifying key policy initiatives and collaborative efforts among the U.S., ASEAN and other East Asia member states, as well as clarifying issues of interest in advance of the 7th U.S.-ASEAN Leaders Summit and the 10th East Asia Summit (EAS).
In the session on “Inaugurating and Consolidating the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)”, Mr. Hairil highlighted that efforts in the AEC 2015 had contributed to the overall economic enhancement not only to Malaysia but also other AMS in many areas such as trade, investment and employment. At the backdrop of uncertainties in the global economy, and aspiration to sustain the momentum of the region’s economic growth for the next 10 years, ASEAN has identified 8 areas of focus, including to further pursue open economic regionalism agenda and deepen regional economic integration process; further encourage participation of various stakeholders including the private sector and associations; and provide better platform in facilitation intra-ASEAN trade and investments by leveraging on ICT. In the interplay between the AEC and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), he reiterated that both the AEC and RCEP initiatives should not be seen as competing against each other, instead their benefits are very much complementing each other and both are very much aligned and reaffirmed the ASEAN centrality. Particularly for Malaysia, the recent conclusion of the TPP, along with the on-going initiatives under the AEC and RCEP, they serve as strategic platform for Malaysia to remain competitive in the global supply chain.
Contributed by Harlena Harris

Mexico Ambassador meets with ASEAN General Secretary
Mexico first Ambassador to ASEAN presented his credentials to the General Secretary of ASEAN at its Headquaters in Jarkarta, Indonesia.
The ASEAN community, with a population of over 635 millions, has grown in market size to attract the attention of the world to expand on the internation trade in the region.

President Xi visits the U.S.
The U.S. President, Barack Obama welcomes President Xi Jingping of China in Washington DC.
The two most powerful nation’s leaders met in Washington DC. in late September.
China's President Xi Jingping initial stop in the US was in Washington State on the West Coast. There he met top High-tech companies’ executives and industrialists. He was accompanied by China's top businessmen who seek the American counter-part interests in the manufacturing, agricultural and high-tech industries. He eventually flew east to New York and Washington DC.
U.S. President Barack Obama staged a Head-of-State visit welcome to China's President Xi Jingping with a State Dinner at the White House. The two leaders talked about the upcoming trade agreement between the two countries.