Obama in Malaysia
U.S. President Barack Obama continues his travels this past week to the Far East from the Philippines to Malaysia. In the Philippines,...
President Obama meets President Hollande in Washington DC
President Barack Obama listens to a defied French President François Hollande to seek U.S. cooperation to further ally to defeat the ISIL...
Trump's staying power?
With the recent rants coming from Trump with his portrayal of Dr. Carson's about the Doctor’s troubled youth being repeatedly play on...
Secretary Hillary Clinton making a fine point
A confident looking Clinton making a fine point in one of her campaign stops.Her growing confidence is buoy by the failed GOP directed...
Faces of Syrian Refugees living in Sankt Andresberg, Germany
Are these the Syrian refugees that might pose the risks to national security? The young refugees that fled with their mothers from the...
France will commit to accept 30,000 Syrian refugees
In a courageous move French President François Hollande declared on Monday during a gathering of both houses of Parliament in Paris that...
Pope Francis message on wars around the world today
During today’s morning mass at the Vatican chapel, Pope Francis in his homilies gave his strongest criticism to those who constantly wage...
President Obama, "We don't have religious tests to our compassion"
Speaking to the G20 Summit in Turkey today, U.S. President Barack Obama reassured the world that America does not have religious tests to...
President Francois Hollande
President Francois Hollande speaks to his nation in a somber mood. His address was on the attacks in Paris. At least 127 persons were...
Paris under siege
Paris is under siege and in emergency mode Friday night when the city was caught in mayhems. Parisians on a Friday night were out as...