The world's most notorious Jihadi John has been killed
Speaking at number 10 Downing Street, London, UK Prime Minister, David Cameron reiterated US President Obama that the so-called Jihadi John has been killed by a US targeted drone bomb.UK PM David Cameron said targeting and ultimately killing Emwazi was "the right thing to do".Though it is still unconfirmed, the two leaders are confident that the target that was eliminated was indeed the notorious Jihadi John.
Jihadi John is officially identified as Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-born British militant fighting for ISIS in Syria. The Pentagon as well as Col. Steve Warren said Thursday's attack in Raqqa had hit the intended target, but it would take time to "formally declare that we have had success".Mohammed Emwazi was notorious for appearing in videos of the beheadings of Western hostages.The death of Emwazi would be a "significant blow" to ISIS, even though he had not been an "operational or major figure" for ISIS because he is the most prominent symbol for the war waged against the West by ISIS.