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Pope Francis message on wars around the world today

During today’s morning mass at the Vatican chapel, Pope Francis in his homilies gave his strongest criticism to those who constantly wage wars in regions around the world to profit from their arms trade.

His criticism was aimed at those who profits from arm sales. He was referring to those arms traffickers who are the ones who fuel and rage wars around the world for money.

He said: “War is a choice for getting rich” and there are people who choice “the path of war, of hatred, of enmity.”

The pope said: “Those who make war are damned, they’re delinquents. War can be “justified” for many reasons. But when the whole world is at war, as it is today…there is no justification. And God weeps.”

Though the pope’s message is very pointed, it is yet to be seen how his message would be received by the civilized nations' leaders. How many Christian nations’ leaders have the political will and wisdom to take up on his message and have the courage to address the real problems to put an end to these wars?

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