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President Obama meets President Hollande in Washington DC

President Barack Obama listens to a defied French President François Hollande to seek U.S. cooperation to further ally to defeat the ISIL that has stacked their claimed on their recent attacks in Paris. President Hollande is in Washington DC this week to seek U.S. alliance to defeat ISIL.

It would be a complex campaign against their common enemy, ISIL, because of the on-going military campaign in the same vicinity where Russia is playing out in Syria. So, President Hollande plans also to travel to Russia next week to confer with Russian President Putin and to seek for his cooperation.

At the home front, President Obama also speaks out his administration’s commitment to the plight of the refugees fleeing the troubled wars around the world. Particular emphasis was on the Syrian refugees from the war in Syria.

Both President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden through the White House Press release made their strong stand on protecting “our country from terrorists, while providing refuge to some of the world’s most vulnerable people. “ The U.S. administration is confident on the government to be able to provide the highest security checks to screen through those that seek refugees’ status in the U.S.

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